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KU Leuven: Cursus Engels voor Wit-Russische en Oekraïense academici

Cursus Engels voor Wit-Russische en Oekraïense academici
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Opportunities to cooperate with partners from the Global South - October 2021
KU Leuven stimulates and supports research collaborations between its academics and their counterparts across the world, looking for innovative responses to global and local challenges. In this article, you can find recently launched initiatives that call out for action with partners from the Global South via Horizon Europe (Africa Initiative), VLIR-UOS and Global Minds.
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MindMates Movienight
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Philip Winnock de Grave
Totale knieprothese, uni- en bicompartimentele knieprothese, robot geassisteerde chirurgie, patient specific alignment, rapid recovery, heupprothese
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Nicolas Haelewijn
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