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KU Leuven: Teaching for and about sustainability

Teaching for and about sustainability
A professionalisation module for teachers, educational support staff and teaching assistants in which you learn how to integrate sustainability into your teaching. In terms of content and didactics.
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Investering in Otf-data core brengt precisiegeneeskunde stap dichterbij
Leuvense onderzoekers ontrafelen stapje voor stapje complexe ziektes zoals kanker en neurodegeneratieve aandoeningen. Ze gebruiken daarvoor het Otf- Spatial Multi-Omics Platform, hoogtechnologische apparatuur die massa's data genereert. Om al die gegevens om te zetten naar bruikbare inzichten, is er nu een bijkomende investering nodig in dataverwerking.  De nieuwe Otf- data core moet de resultaten van het Otf- Spatial Multi-Omics Platform valoriseren. Twee revolutionaire pilootprojecten rond prostaatkanker en ALS effenen het pad voor precisiegeneeskunde.
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Doctoral Scholarship Fund Department of Metallurgy & Applied Materials Science
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Emile Rouffaer fund for lung cancer research
Every year, more than 8,400 Belgians are told that they suffer from lung cancer. Half of them have advanced or metastatic stages of the disease. More research is urgently needed to significantly improve their prognosis, to offer them more targeted therapy and to better understand the development of lung cancer.
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